Monday 22 December 2014


My Favourite Food <(^-^)>



Available in every shopping centre and a lunchtime favourite among everyone, sushi could be providing more than a tasty treat.

Scientists believe that eating sushi is one of the reasons why the Japanese are among the most healthy people in the world.

I really enjoyed eating sushi.  It is so satisfying. I love sushi so much and crave it all the time. I think part of the reason why is because when I eat it, I really slow down and enjoy each piece. I sit and think about each of the flavours and how they work together. It such a special treat for me that I really try to savor it.

 My personal sushi eating order is to start with lightly flavored fish like white fish, halibut, octopus, squid and mollusks, then move onto "blue" type of fish (like sardine, saury, mackerel) along with shrimps, clams then tuna (less fatty to fatty), yellowtail, and finally heavier tasting seafood like sea urchin, scallop and salmon roe. Then finish up with tamago, eels and simple tuna rolls.

Now I'm trying not to eat blue-fin tuna because of its sustainability (so sad!), which is very easy to happen now. I want to be in Tsukiji right now. :)

My Favourite :)
 Unagi Sushi

 Let me know what's your favourite sushi and why?
Want to know more about sushi?

Styles of Sushi

  • Aburi sushi (Roasted sushi) consists of nigiri sushi with a fish topping that is partly grilled and partly raw
  • Gunkan-maki (Warship roll) is a type of sushi consisting of a rice ball wrapped in a sheet of nori which extends in a cylinder upward to hold a loose topping such as fish eggs
  • Maki sushi (Rolled sushi) consists of rice and other ingredients rolled together with a sheet of nori. There are four traditional types of maki and a more contemporary one:
    • Chu maki (Medium roll) is a medium-sized rolled maki sushi usually containing several ingredients

    • Futo maki (Large or fat roll) is a thick rolled maki sushi containing multiple ingredients
    • Hoso maki (Thin roll) is thinly rolled maki sushi with only one ingredient

    • Temaki (Hand roll) is a cone-shaped maki sushi

    • Uramaki is a contemporary style of Maki sushi that is described as a roll that is inside out—with the rice on the outside—and has an outer layer of tobiko or sesame seeds. This style was developed in the United States to entice Americans to try sushi despite its unfamiliarity. Western style sushi also sometimes does not include raw meat.

  • Nigiri sushi (Hand-formed sushi) consists of an oval-shaped ball of rice topped with a slice of another item
  Let me know what's your favourite style of sushi and why?

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